Geology and geosites
Geopark West Jutland – a world class ice age landscape
Right here the giant ice sheet stopped its advance, during the latest ice-age, approx. 20,000 years ago. The Main Stationary Line (MSL) runs through the geopark from west to east.

Photo:Johansen Grafisk
Ved isens kant
Tværs igennem Geopark Vestjylland ligger hovedopholdslinjen, hvor isen stoppede sin fremmarch under seneste istid, for ca. 20.000 år siden.
Nord for hovedopholdslinjen skabte isen det bakkede morænelandskab ved Limfjorden. Syd for hovedopholdslinjen, i det isfri område, åbner de flade smeltevandssletter sig med spredte bakkeøer.
Geosites in Geopark Vestjylland
Geosites are carefully selected locations that exemplify the fascinating geological processes that have shaped the landscape in Geopark West Jutland.
Learn more about the geosites in the descriptions below.