Our educational material is predominately in Danish. By appointment we are available for English educational activities. Please contact us for more details.

Geology for kids (pre-school)

Danien-Limestone at "Kalksporet" (The limestone track) in Hjerm
Try the limestone track, a 1.3 km walk by Hjerm Limestone Mine. Educational materials can be borrowed at the pavillion.
Contact Geopark West Jutland for more information
Stones at the beach
Field trip to the beach, collection and identification of stones and experiments with salt water in collaboration with Geopark West Jutland
Contact the secretariat for further arrangements.
By the edge of the ice (Naturgeografi, STX)
At Bovbjerg Klint, an international "geosite", a cross-section through the Main Stationary Line from the last ice age can be seen. This unique geological site is shared from a walk along the beach. Along the way, eratics are identified that tell about the ice's path here. Coastal erosion and protection, as well as the dynamics of landscapes, are other relevant themes for the trip.
Teaching can be carried out by Geopark West Jutland, by prior agreement.

The salmons journey
Try the "Salmon-route" (approx. 800 m) at Skærum Mølle, close to Vemb. It's a short walk through the life cycle of the salmon, told in 6 chapters with a quiz.
Educational material for Geosites
The material is developed by Naturstyrelsen Vestjylland (in Danish).

Clay - Landscapes - Climate change
Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago have developed educational material which are also relevant in the territory of Geopark West Jutland