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What is a Geopark?

Photo: Henrik Winther Krogh

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.

The purpose of UNESCO Global Geoparks is to tell the story of the creation of the landscape and how nature and the cultural history depends on the geology. It is also a driving force in developing local initiatives and identity through teaching, partnerships with local businesses and supporting sustainable tourism. 

The Geopark concept started as an initiative in the early 2000 and was adopted by UNESCO in 2015. Since 2015 many countries have joined the program and today 169 UNESCO Global Geoparks are located in 44 countries, with many more aspiring to join. Explore the current UNESCO Global Geoparks on the map below.

The first UNESCO Global Geopark in Denmark was Geopark Odsherred on Sjælland. Geopark Vestjylland was approved as an UNESCO Global Geopark on April 15th 2021. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav on Fyn is currently seeking approval as well.

UNESCO Global Geoparks

There are more than 200 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 48 countries


About Geopark Vestjylland