Thyholm Egnsmuseum
Thyholm Egnsmuseum consists of 5 buildings in a cluster that each reflect their historical features from the 1000 years old village.
The Main Building is from 1657 and was farmhouse to "Bisgården" one of the Medieval villages farms. In 1820 the farmhouse was sold to a pharmacist, who was a farmer simultaneously with his business. The last phamacist died in 1868. The house was named Apotekergården and the buildling was transfered to the self-governing institution, Thyholm Egnsmuseum.
The exhibitions portray life in the self-supporting society in the countryside and in the station towns from the middle of the 19th Centure until the middle of the 20th Century.
The Main Building contains a fully equiped residence that portrays an upper class home from the beginning of the century. In three seperate rooms you find a pharmacy and the old boardroom of Hvidbjerg Banks as well as Uglev phone telephone exchange etc.
In Avlsbygningen there are exhibitions of crafts, building and furniture joinery, wood cobbler workshop and assembly of the lead tug tools.
The School House is furnished with a school room in original size and is equiped with school materials you can recognize up until the 1950s.
Havrelandsvej 29
7790 Thyholm
+45 9787 5588